Happy Birthday Canada

July 1, 2020

Nothing more patriotic than working full blast on Canada Day in order to fully contribute to the Canadian Economy during these critical times. Thank you all PCMNOW trades and contractors. 🙂

Today is Canada’s birthday. A day that symbolizes freedom, full independence and joining together with others to become one great nation. On July 1, 1867, The enactment of the ,British North America Act, 1867 (today called the ,Constitution Act, 1867), which confederated Canada, was celebrated on July 1, 1867, with the ringing of the bells at the Cathedral Church of St. James in Toronto. This Church stands as the oldest congregation in the city with construction beginning in 1850. It was also known as one of the largest buildings in Toronto at that time. This church symbolizes the values that we at PCM celebrate today. Values of hard work, equal opportunity and the construction of beautiful things for the benefit of others – that stand the test of time.

Happy Birthday Canada.

THANK YOU CANADA AND OUR CLIENTS, WITH LOVE FROM www.PCMnow.com and all of its Team members.

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